Latest episodes subtitles

  • Ancient Aliens : Forbidden Caves

    S07 E01
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
  • Ancient Aliens : The God Particle

    S07 E03
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    It has been called the key to the universe and possibly the most important scientific breakthrough of all time. Could the so-called "God Particle" reveal the truth abou...
  • Ancient Aliens : Aliens and the Red Planet

    S07 E05
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    Throughout human history, the planet Mars has captured our imagination. Ancient Egyptian astronomers were the first to record the red planet on a chart of the cosmos kn...
  • Ancient Aliens : The Shamans

    S07 E06
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    Throughout history, spiritual leaders known as shamans have healed, protected and advised their people. But are they simply putting on elaborate ceremonies? Or could th...
  • Ancient Aliens : Alien Messages

    S07 E07
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    There are those who believe that embedded in our most sacred religious texts, as well as in the design and location of ancient monuments, are secret message - messages ...
  • Ancient Aliens : Hidden Pyramids

    S07 E10
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    With infrared satellite technology detecting pyramids hidden underneath the sand in Egypt and airborne laser sensors discovering long lost pyramids beneath the jungles ...
  • Ancient Aliens : The Vanishings

    S07 E11
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    Stories of civilizations large and small disappearing without a trace can be found throughout history and across the globe. From a previously unknown civilization in Ch...
  • Ancient Aliens : The Alien Agenda

    S07 E12
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    Many of humanity's most significant turning points have bore witness to unexplainable events. Is this merely coincidence, or could it be evidence that the course of hum...
  • Ancient Aliens : Alien Transports

    S08 E01
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    From ancient accounts of fiery chariots in the sky in the Bible and flying carpets in Ethiopian texts to fire-breathing dragons in Chinese mythology, a look is taken in...
  • Ancient Aliens : Dark Forces

    S08 E04
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    Good and Evil. Light and Dark. God and Satan. In nearly every culture there are stories of opposing forces at work here on Earth--forces of a supernatural or otherworld...
  • Ancient Aliens : The Reptilians

    S08 E05
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    The Reptilian alien is a fixture of science-fiction, from H.P. Lovecraft's tales of Valusians to the Cardassians in Star Trek, to the Visitors of the television series ...
  • Ancient Aliens : The Tesla Experiment

    S08 E06
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    He is one of the most prolific inventors of the 20th century--and the man that actually electrified the world. Nikola Tesla shepherded mankind to a new industrial era a...
  • Ancient Aliens : The Alien Wars

    S08 E10
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
  • Ancient Aliens : Mysteries of the Sphinx

    S09 E02
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    The Great Sphinx in Giza is the largest and most studied monolithic sculpture on Earth, yet it remains one of humanities greatest mysteries. This ancient monolith defie...
  • Ancient Aliens : Aliens Among Us

    S09 E03
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    There are those who believe that the evolution of technology is not entirely of our own making. Ancient Astronaut theorists contend that it is by extraterrestrial desig...