Latest episodes subtitles

  • Ancient Aliens : Aliens and the Creation of Man

    S03 E16
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    Why are humans so different from every other species on Earth? Did we evolve from apes - or is our intelligence the result of contact with an otherworldly source? Could...
  • Ancient Aliens : The Mayan Conspiracy

    S04 E01
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    The Mayan civilization dominated Central America for nearly 2000 years, but by the 9th century A.D., the great Mayan cities were abandoned, and the Mayan people vanishe...
  • Ancient Aliens : The Doomsday Prophecies

    S04 E02
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    The Maya created the most sophisticated calendar systems in the ancient world, and according to many scholars their Long Count Calendar will come to an end on December ...
  • Ancient Aliens : The Greys

    S04 E03
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    Who are the beings with big heads and giant eyes that seem to have been visiting our planet for millennia?
  • Ancient Aliens : Aliens and Mega-Disasters

    S04 E04
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    There are numerous historical, religious and mythic accounts of ancient civilizations being wiped out by volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, and meteors. Did god, or nature...
  • Ancient Aliens : The NASA Connection

    S04 E05
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    NASA scientists, former astronauts and secret government files all point to the conclusion that there has been contact with extraterrestrial life in the past.
  • Ancient Aliens : Mystery of Puma Punku

    S04 E06
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    Erich von Daniken's landmark book, Chariots of the Gods, brought attention to the mysterious phenomena of the Nazca Lines. Hundreds of gigantic lines, some in the shape...
  • Ancient Aliens : Aliens and Bigfoot

    S04 E07
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    In 1980, three young military men were sent into a UK forest to investigate strange lights. They reportedly encountered a spacecraft of unknown origin.
  • Ancient Aliens : The Da Vinci Conspiracy

    S04 E08
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    Might an examination of Leonardo Da Vinci's masterful paintings, highly technical hand-drawn sketches, and private journals reveal knowledge of otherworldly technology ...
  • Ancient Aliens : The Time Travelers

    S04 E09
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    Is it possible that sightings of alien beings or UFOs may actually be evidence of time travelers from the future? And might ancient astronauts actually be time traveler...
  • Ancient Aliens : Aliens and Dinosaurs

    S04 E10
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    Angkor Wat, Cambodia, is the world's largest ancient religious temple. Within its megalithic ruins, researches have discovered a depiction of a species of dinosaur--a s...
  • Ancient Aliens : Secrets of the Pyramids

    S04 E11
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    For thousands of years, pyramids were the largest structures on Earth. The best known were constructed in Egypt and Central America, but others have been found all arou...
  • Ancient Aliens : Chariots, Gods and Beyond

    S01 E00
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    According to ancient alien theorists, extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago, sharing their experti...
  • Ancient Aliens : The Visitors

    S01 E02
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    From The History Channel : "If ancient aliens visited Earth, who were they, and where did they come from? Possible historic evidence and beliefs are examined around the...
  • Ancient Aliens : The Mission

    S01 E03
    2010 year 90 min min 7.4 IMDB
    From The History Channel : "If ancient aliens visited Earth, what was their mission, and is there evidence that points to when they will return? Ancient Sumerian tablet...