Crawl Subtitles

Crawl subtitles
7.0 10 2497
Actor: Kaya Scodelario, Barry Pepper, Morfydd Clark, Ross Anderson
Against all logic, the competitive swimmer, Haley, drives into the mouth of a furiously destructive Category 5 hurricane on a collision course with her hometown of Florida, to check in on her estranged father, Dave. There, in their weather-beaten house amid a rapidly sinking and alligator-infested town, Haley and her father find themselves trapped in the labyrinthine mess of their flooded crawl space, where a merciless pair of six-metre predators is silently stalking them. Now--as Haley and Dave are gasping for air in the claustrophobic basement--only their will to survive can help them stand a chance against the scaly adversaries' powerful jaws. Can they escape without getting eaten alive?
  • English Language:
  • tt8364368 IMDB code:
  • 12 Jul 2019 Released:
  • 2019-09-25 15:21:01 Date Updated:
  • Michael Rasmussen, Shawn RasmussenWriter:
  • Alexandre AjaDirector:

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