I Confess Subtitles

I Confess subtitles
7.0 10 7056
Actor: Montgomery Clift, Anne Baxter, Karl Malden, Brian Aherne
Otto Keller and his wife Alma work as caretaker and housekeeper at a Catholic church in Québec City, Québec. While robbing a house where he sometimes works as a gardener, Otto is caught and kills the owner. Racked with guilt, he heads back to the church where Father Michael Logan is working late. Otto confesses his crime, but when the police begin to suspect Father Logan, he cannot reveal what he has been told in the confession.
  • English, French, Italian, German Language:
  • tt0045897 IMDB code:
  • 28 Feb 1953 Released:
  • 2019-08-31 04:26:01 Date Updated:
  • George Tabori (screen play), William Archibald (screen plaWriter:
  • Alfred HitchcockDirector:

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