Intrigo: Death of an Author Subtitles

Intrigo: Death of an Author subtitles
6.0 10 9863
Actor: Ben Kingsley, Tuva Novotny, Michael Byrne, Veronica Ferres
A small open boat ploughs through a troubled sea off the Dutch coast. One solitary man at the rudder. A few days later, when the wind has settled, the smashed up remains of the boat will be found a few kilometres to the south. Meanwhile in Stockholm. David is contacted by his publisher. A manuscript by the famous author Germund Rein has turned up at the publishing house. David has translated the earlier works of Rein and is now given first option to tackle this one. However the manuscript has arrived in Sweden cloaked in strange circumstances. It has not been published in its country of origin. This is the original manuscript and it is accompanied by a letter which states that under no circumstances must the book be printed in its initial language. David also learns that the author Germund Rein has taken his own life by attaching a weight to his body and disappearing into the depths of the Atlantic. The letter must have been the last thing he wrote before he ended it all. The ...
  • English Language:
  • tt6341066 IMDB code:
  • 17 Jan 2020 Released:
  • 2020-01-18 03:15:50 Date Updated:
  • Daniel Alfredson, Birgitta Bongenhielm, Håkan Nesser (novWriter:
  • Daniel AlfredsonDirector:

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English hadilan
English hadilan
English imHD3D
English hadilan
English hadilan
English imHD3D
English hadilan
English hadilan
English imHD3D
English imHD3D
English hadilan
English hadilan
English imHD3D
English hadilan
English hadilan
English hadilan
English hadilan
English hadilan
English hadilan
English hadilan