Learning to Drive Subtitles

Learning to Drive subtitles
6.0 10 8961
Actor: Patricia Clarkson, Ben Kingsley, Jake Weber, Sarita Choudhury
Wendy (Patrician Clarkson), a self-absorbed New York book critic, is shocked to reality by the sudden end of her marriage. Always dependent on her husband for driving, she must now learn to take the wheel on her own. Her instructor Darwan (Ben Kingsley) is a Sikh Indian who watches with alarm as his pupil falls apart at the seams. He himself is contemplating an arranged marriage with a woman he has never met. As these two lives intersect, both will change in unpredictable ways.
  • English, French Language:
  • tt3062976 IMDB code:
  • 21 Aug 2015 Released:
  • 2019-11-03 08:21:07 Date Updated:
  • Sarah KernochanWriter:
  • Isabel CoixetDirector:

Learning to Drive Trailer:

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