Meet the Spartans Subtitles

Meet the Spartans subtitles
3.0 10 1686
Actor: Sean Maguire, Carmen Electra, Ken Davitian, Kevin Sorbo
The heroic Spartan king Leonidas, armed with nothing but leather underwear and a cape, leads a ragtag bunch of 13 Spartan misfit warriors to defend their homeland against thousands of invading Persians whom include the Ghost Rider, Rocky Balboa, the Autobots, and an ugly hunchbacked Paris Hilton and a shaved-head Brittany Spears.
  • English Language:
  • tt1073498 IMDB code:
  • 2008 Released:
  • 2018-10-10 09:42:37 Date Updated:
  • Jason Friedberg, Aaron SeltzerWriter:
  • Jason Friedberg, Aaron SeltzerDirector:

Meet the Spartans Trailer:

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