Memoirs of a Geisha Subtitles

Memoirs of a Geisha subtitles
7.0 10 9930
Actor: Suzuka Ohgo, Togo Igawa, Mako, Samantha Futerman
In 1929 an impoverished nine-year-old named Chiyo from a fishing village is sold to a geisha house in Kyoto's Gion district and subjected to cruel treatment from the owners and the head geisha Hatsumomo. Her stunning beauty attracts the vindictive jealousy of Hatsumomo, until she is rescued by and taken under the wing of Hatsumomo's bitter rival, Mameha. Under Mameha's mentorship, Chiyo becomes the geisha named Sayuri, trained in all the artistic and social skills a geisha must master in order to survive in her society. As a renowned geisha she enters a society of wealth, privilege, and political intrigue. As World War II looms Japan and the geisha's world are forever changed by the onslaught of history.
  • English Language:
  • tt0397535 IMDB code:
  • 2005 Released:
  • 2018-10-10 09:42:37 Date Updated:
  • Robin Swicord (screenplay), Arthur Golden (book)Writer:
  • Rob MarshallDirector:

Memoirs of a Geisha Trailer:

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Subtitles rated good Not rated
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