My Cousin Rachel Subtitles

My Cousin Rachel subtitles
7.0 10 5310
Actor: Olivia de Havilland, Richard Burton, Audrey Dalton, Ronald Squire
When Philip Ashley's much-loved (and rich) cousin Ambrose dies, he is convinced that Ambrose was murdered by his new wife Rachel to inherit his wealth. But when he meets Rachel and falls in love with her, he knows that his suspicions must have been unfounded. But were they, or is Rachel just trying to use Philip to get at the estate Ambrose left to him instead of to her? And will she murder him next?
  • English, Italian Language:
  • tt0044937 IMDB code:
  • 24 Dec 1954 Released:
  • 2019-07-15 06:43:06 Date Updated:
  • Nunnally Johnson (screen play), Daphne Du Maurier (from thWriter:
  • Henry KosterDirector:

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