My Fair Lady Subtitles

My Fair Lady subtitles
8.0 10 1866
Actor: Audrey Hepburn, Rex Harrison, Stanley Holloway, Wilfrid Hyde-White
Pompous phonetics professor Henry Higgins is so sure of his abilities that he takes it upon himself to transform a Cockney working-class girl into someone who can pass for a cultured member of high society. His subject turns out to be the lovely Eliza Doolittle, who agrees to speech lessons to improve her job prospects. Higgins and Eliza clash, then form an unlikely bond -- one that is threatened by an aristocratic suitor.
  • English Language:
  • tt0058385 IMDB code:
  • 25 Dec 1964 Released:
  • 2019-02-01 02:43:04 Date Updated:
  • Alan Jay Lerner (book), George Bernard Shaw (from a play bWriter:
  • George CukorDirector:

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