Puka Puka Juju Subtitles

Puka Puka Juju subtitles
7.4 10 9495
Actor: Emiri Katou, Kenta Miyake, Akemi Okamura
Papa has long promised his daughter Mika that he will take her to the beach during summer vacation, but as a golf caddy he keeps getting called into work when the weekend rolls around. This time, she even had a new inflatable toy she wanted to bring to share with her father and go swimming in the ocean together: A dugong she names Dudu. Unbeknownst to her, her father is very afraid of the water due to a childhood incident.
  • Japanese Language:
  • tt2505452 IMDB code:
  • 19 Mar 2012 Released:
  • 2020-05-05 10:31:04 Date Updated:
  • N/AWriter:
  • Hiroshi KawamataDirector:

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Indonesian Artficial