Sabotage Subtitles

Sabotage subtitles
7.0 10 2901
Actor: Sylvia Sidney, Oskar Homolka, Desmond Tester, John Loder
Mr. Verloc is part of a gang of foreign saboteurs operating out of London. He manages a small cinema with his wife and her teenage brother as a cover, but they know nothing of his secret. Scotland Yard assign an undercover detective to work at the shop next to the cinema in order to observe the gang.
  • English Language:
  • tt0028212 IMDB code:
  • 1936 Released:
  • 2018-10-10 09:42:37 Date Updated:
  • Joseph Conrad (novel), Charles Bennett (screen play), Ian Writer:
  • Alfred HitchcockDirector:

Sabotage Trailer:

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Subtitles rated good Not rated
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Spanish Commotion7
Spanish Commotion7