Someone to Watch Over Me Subtitles

Someone to Watch Over Me subtitles
6.0 10 3352
Actor: Tom Berenger, Mimi Rogers, Lorraine Bracco, Jerry Orbach
In Queens, Mike Keegan is celebrating with his wife Ellie, his son Tommy and friends his recent promotion to detective in a precinct in Manhattan. Meanwhile, in a fancy club, the socialite Claire Gregory witnesses the murder of the owner of the place by the powerful mobster Joey Venza. Mike is assigned to protect her in the night shift in her apartment in Manhattan. When Venza threatens Claire, the contact of Mike with Claire gets closer and conflicts him, dividing between the love for his family and the heat passion for Claire and the fascination for her world.
  • English Language:
  • tt0094008 IMDB code:
  • 09 Oct 1987 Released:
  • 2019-03-13 11:54:20 Date Updated:
  • Howard FranklinWriter:
  • Ridley ScottDirector:

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