Suspiria Subtitles

Suspiria subtitles
7.0 10 9179
Actor: Dakota Johnson, Tilda Swinton, Doris Hick, Malgorzata Bela
Susie Bannion is a young American ballerina who travels to Berlin to study dancing at the Markos Tanz Company, one of the world's most renowned schools under Madame Blanc's management. On her very first day, one of the students who had been recently expelled from the school is murdered. As this appalling happening does not seem to be an isolated occurrence, the brilliant new student soon begins to suspect that the school might be involved in the homicide. Her mistrust heightens when Sarah, one of the girls at the school, tells her that Pat, before being killed, confided to her that she knew and guarded a terrifying dark secret.
  • English, German, French Language:
  • tt1034415 IMDB code:
  • 02 Nov 2018 Released:
  • 2019-01-13 06:40:24 Date Updated:
  • Dario Argento (characters), Daria Nicolodi (characters), DWriter:
  • Luca GuadagninoDirector:

Suspiria Trailer:

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