The Awful Truth Subtitles

The Awful Truth subtitles
8.0 10 8075
Actor: Irene Dunne, Cary Grant, Ralph Bellamy, Alexander D'Arcy
Before their divorce becomes final, Jerry and Lucy Warriner both do their best to ruin each other's plans for remarriage, Jerry to haughty socialite Barbara Vance, she to oil-rich bumpkin Daniel Leeson. Among their strategies: Jerry's court-decreed visitation rights with Mr. Smith, their pet fox terrier, and Lucy doing her most flamboyant Dixie Belle Lee impersonation as Jerry's brassy "sister" before his prospective bride's scandalized family.
  • English Language:
  • tt0028597 IMDB code:
  • 1937 Released:
  • 2018-10-10 09:42:37 Date Updated:
  • Viña Delmar (screen play), Arthur Richman (based on a plaWriter:
  • Leo McCareyDirector:

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