The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie Subtitles

The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie subtitles
7.9 10 8932
Actor: Fernando Rey, Paul Frankeur, Delphine Seyrig, Bulle Ogier
A surreal, virtually plotless series of dreams centered around six middle-class people and their consistently interrupted attempts to have a meal together.
  • French, Spanish Language:
  • tt0068361 IMDB code:
  • 22 Oct 1972 Released:
  • 2020-04-21 03:12:12 Date Updated:
  • Luis Buñuel (scenario), Jean-Claude Carrière (with the cWriter:
  • Luis BuñuelDirector:

The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie Trailer:

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Subtitles rated good Not rated
Rated Language Release Name Uploader
Arabic 82nietzsche
Arabic Bonasera
Arabic 82nietzsche
Arabic Bonasera
Chinese BG code BxinVIZTsQqHuLhSMVqnqJZSThwbyU
Chinese BG code BxinVIZTsQqHuLhSMVqnqJZSThwbyU
Chinese BG code BxinVIZTsQqHuLhSMVqnqJZSThwbyU
Chinese BG code BxinVIZTsQqHuLhSMVqnqJZSThwbyU
Croatian Mladen81
Croatian Mladen81
English Chromeman
English raconst
English JackRaiden
English firefly777
English Hooman
English okp
English bullit
English bullit
English bullit
English Chromeman