Youth Without Youth Subtitles

Youth Without Youth subtitles
6.0 10 4862
Actor: Tim Roth, Alexandra Maria Lara, Bruno Ganz, André Hennicke
Christmas Eve, 1937, Piatra Neamt, Romania: Dominic Matei, a 70-year-old professor, contemplates suicide. The love of his life is dead, and he remains unable to complete his life's work on the origins of language. On April 24th 1938, Easter Sunday, he takes a train to Bucharest to kill himself, but suddenly he's struck by lightning. After a slow recovery, he miraculously grows younger and gains superhuman powers. WWII breaks out and Romania's fascist dictator Ion Antonescu cooperates with Adolf Hitler. Matei must escape to Switzerland, because Nazi scientists want to use his powers...Some years later, he meets a woman who has her own passage through a lightning storm. Not only does Dominic find love again, but her new abilities hold the key to his research...Coppola's adaptation of Mircea Eliade's surreal novella is a mysterious, romantic, melancholic and humorous journey to the outer limits of space, time and identity. Dreams become reality and reality feels like a dream...
  • English Language:
  • tt0481797 IMDB code:
  • 2007 Released:
  • 2018-10-10 09:42:37 Date Updated:
  • Mircea Eliade (novel), Francis Ford Coppola (screenplay)Writer:
  • Francis Ford CoppolaDirector:

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